Recruitment of participants Easy Language Membership - 52 week training track

Discussion in 'Video courses, trainings, educational material' started by Gurminj, 22 February 2024.

Recruitment of participants
2700.00 USD
1 of 30
Settlement fee for participation:
92 USD
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  1. Gurminj

    Gurminj Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    28 March 2023
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    Easy Language Membership - 52 week training track

    Create and Control Your Trading Edge
    I have created a comprehensive step-by-step course designed to teach you how to read and write EasyLanguage code for TradeStation.

    This will be a 52 week training track with the goal of empowering you to be able to write and test your trading ideas!

    This course will include my recently completed, 300 page EasyLanguage Learning-by-Example Manual that reveals the nuts and bolts of EasyLanguage Programming. There is no easier or powerful way to learn to code than Learning-by-Example. My goal is to enable you to “crack the code” and harness the hidden power of the computer using the TradeStation Trading Platform!

    - Write Your Own Trading Strategies
    - Test These Strategies to Formulate Your Personal Trading Plan
    - Develop your own Custom Designed Tools and Indicators
    - Read and Understand the Coding of Strategies and Indicators Your Own
    - Collaborate with Other Colleagues Also Participating in this Training
    - Customize Your Trading Tools to Conform to the Way You See the Markets
    - Develop the Psychological Edge From Your Tested and Proven Results
    - Make the former Black Box Math and Algos Transparent Once and For All
    - Build Trading Confidence Created with Your Understanding of the Edge

    Before we get into course details, let me introduce myself…
    My name is Bill Brower. I have been programming customized EasyLanguage strategies and indicators for my clients on a full time basis for over 23 years. My clients have discovered that “IF they can define it, I can program it”!

    I have created the most detailed and comprehensive training program available on this topic. You are invited to sign up for our 12 Month (52 Week) EasyLanguage Training Journey. You will then have special access to your own training library of materials that will be posted both quarterly and weekly for the next 52 weeks.

    Here’s What You Will Get:
    - Easy Language Training Manual in PDF form*
    - Weekly Training Videos (Here are the Topics to be Covered in the First 12 Week’s)
    - Quizzes and answer Review to evaluate your progress.
    - Monthly training sessions

    Once a month during this 12 month course, I will lead Live Webinar for Members ONLY. You bring your questions and I will discuss and collaborate with you Live. These sessions will be recorded and placed in your Training Library Archive.
    - Access to a forum for all members to collaborate with each other. Bill will also participate in this forum.

    To make this decision a “no brainer” I am also including as a gift to you a major piece of my own personal work.

    I have taken some of the most popular trading indicators offered by TradeStation and converted them to MULTIDATA TICK TOOLS. all four of these tools will be delivered up front!To Learn More About These Tools, visit


  2. Ölknull

    Ölknull New Member

    2 February 2025
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